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About 5500 patterns of Latvian mittens are known, none of them is completely repeated. Elements of the pattern may be repeated, but the compilation, colors and the rhythm of composition is unique
The pattern on the mitten is the language that craftswoman speaks to you. She fulfils her work with wishes, her soul, so that your life will turn out the way you dream.
In the pagan culture of ancient Latvia, mittens had an almost sacred (magical and ritual) meaning.
At a time when writing did not yet exist, the pattern was the keeper of knowledge that was passed on to children and grandchildren.
Since the Medieval population of Latvia were manly slaves - mittens become a kind of "currency" - they were used to pay for work or food.
All important moments in life were decorated with mittens - from birth to death. For wedding, at least 300 pieces were needed. So the females members of the family bride began to knit, when a girl began to walk. And from the age of 4, she already participated in knitting a dowry for herself .
By the number of mittens in the house, one could judge how respected a person
was and about the wealth of his family. Let us knit a dowry! Preparing gifts!
Hand-knitted fairytales - Cimdu Pasakas" © Čekina Jelena http://cimdupasakas.jimdo.com/